Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! Headin' back to Texas!

We had a wonderful new year's eve here! We dispersed and everyone did exactly what they pleased. One group snow sledded at the park, the hard core skiers jockeyed for unused lift tickets and got an extra day of skiing in, a few even snowmobiled from 1300 feet up, and a big group of us headed to a nearby outlet mall for some fun shopping! I, for one, had a VERY successful shopping excursion!!!!! This has been a fun trip for all!!!

We had such an incredible time of worship tonight and God has been revealing His "Crazy Love" for us! What a blessing! After worship we all headed out to see the fireworks over Maggie Pond and the mountain . We were right under them. It was AWESOME!!!!! The evening is ending with some crammed (and well supervised, I might add) rooms full of kids playing games and counting in the new year's across the country. Fun times!

Most students are packed and we are leaving out early in the morning at 6am (7am Texas time) The drive is about 12 hours and we will have several stops, so we are estimating about 9 or 9:30. Thankfully the bad roads cleared before we arrived and the forcast calls for clear and dry road for our final travel day...Praise the Lord!

See you all NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!! :)
Love you all,